Advanced Legal Research

Information Introduction

Section 1, Fall 24

Schedule Information

Enrollment: 18/18
Credits: 2
Days Time Room Start Date End Date




1000-1120 WB278 08/27/2024 10/29/2024

Course Description

New attorneys spend the bulk of their time conducting legal research, so robust research skills create a strong foundation for early career success. The goal of this class is to build confidence in your legal research capabilities through a combination of in-class exercises and written assignments. The course will cover strategies for efficiently researching primary and secondary sources in both subscription databases and free resources. We will also learn and apply research skills in several subject areas frequently encountered in legal practice, including case law, statutes, legislative history, administrative law, and court procedure. By the conclusion of the course, students will feel empowered to handle any research project they might encounter, regardless of topic or available resources.

Course Requirements

Exam Information

Final Type (if any): None

Description: None

Written Work Product

In-class participation and 5-6 written assignments (not papers). Assignments will ask students to research a legal issue and document the process they used to identify the answer.

Other Course Details

Prerequisites: (Legal Research and Writing I (6004)) AND (Legal Research and Writing II (YR) (6005)) Because the credits in this course count toward the JD Program Professional Skills requirement, JD candidates will be given enrollment priority for this class. Concurrencies: None

Exclusive With: None

Laptops Allowed: Yes

First Day Attendance Required: No

Course Resources: To be announced.

Course Notes: This course will meet a total of 18 times over the first 10 weeks of the semester. The final class meeting will be October 29, 2024.

Graduation Requirements

Satisfies Understanding Bias/Racism/Cross-Cultural Competency requirement: No

Satisfies Writing Requirement: No

Credits For Prof. Skills Requirement: Yes

Satisfies Professional Ethics: No

Additional Course Information

Schedule No.: 124817897

Modified Type: Simulation

Cross Listed: No

Waitlist Count: 0

Concentrations: Litigation and Procedure

Evaluation Portal Via LawWeb Opens: Saturday, October 26, 12:01 AM

Evaluation Portal Via LawWeb Closes: Thursday, October 31, 11:59 PM

Information reflected on this page was last refreshed at: Friday, January 17, 2025 - 7:04 AM *

*During open enrollment periods, live enrollment data may be found in SIS.