Economic and Consumer Justice Clinic (YR)

Information Introduction

Section 1, Fall 24

Schedule Information

Enrollment: 8/8
Credits: 4
Days Time Room Start Date End Date


1700-1900 LAJC1 08/27/2024 12/03/2024

Course Description

Payday lending, title pawns and debt collectors…they are all part of a larger system of targeting of vulnerable communities which traps those with less in a cycle of poverty that can be impossible to escape. In conjunction with the Legal Aid Justice Center, the consumer law clinic will explore what some call “Poverty, Inc.” through hands on experience with clients, litigation and research. Students will learn basic information about various consumer protection statutes while practicing skills related to the entire range of client representation, such as interviewing clients, investigating complaints, conducting discovery and drafting court pleadings. Students will gather factual information and conduct legal research to analyze their client’s legal rights. Students will represent consumers in negotiations and will participate in court and administrative proceedings to the extent permitted by law. Prior clinics have included two class action lawsuits and several cases in federal court, and participation in impact litigation is likely for this academic year. They will also learn about the role of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), a federal agency set up to help protect consumers. Finally, students will be given the chance to identify ways that the rules affecting consumers should be changed and to work on making such changes happen. Students will engage in casework throughout the year.

Course Requirements

Exam Information

Final Type (if any): None

Description: None

Written Work Product

Legal memoranda, correspondence, and pleadings; case management notes and time records; and other written policy materials as cases and projects dictate.

Other Course Details

Prerequisites: Because the credits in this course count toward the JD Program Professional Skills requirement, JD candidates will be given enrollment priority for this class. Concurrencies: None

Exclusive With: None

Laptops Allowed: Yes

First Day Attendance Required: Yes

Course Resources: To be announced via Canvas.

Course Notes: NOTE REGARDING ENROLLMENT: the enrollment process is described at If seats are available in this clinic after the lottery process, students can enroll themselves in the course via the SIS Add/Drop process. If a student seeking a seat in this class is enrolled in another clinic, enrollment authorization from the instructors from both clinics must be provided to the Student Records Office via email ([email protected]). The Clinic will meet as a group at LAJC’s office (1000 Preston Avenue, Suite A) during the scheduled course time for seminar. IMPORTANT: All clinic participants must attend an “Orientation to Law Clinics at LAJC” session at the start of the semester. This session will provide clinic participants with necessary information about working with LAJC and its client community. The date for the session will be announced by the clinicians, but it will likely be held on the Monday before the first day for upper-level classes.

Graduation Requirements

Satisfies Understanding Bias/Racism/Cross-Cultural Competency requirement: Yes

Satisfies Writing Requirement: No

Credits For Prof. Skills Requirement: Yes

Satisfies Professional Ethics: No

Additional Course Information

Schedule No.: 124817929

Modified Type: Clinical (Excl.)

Cross Listed: No

Waitlist Count: 0

Concentrations: Business Organization and Finance , Litigation and Procedure , Public Service and Leadership

Evaluation Portal Via LawWeb Opens: Sunday, December 01, 12:01 AM

Evaluation Portal Via LawWeb Closes: Friday, December 06, 11:59 PM

Information reflected on this page was last refreshed at: Friday, February 14, 2025 - 7:04 AM *

*During open enrollment periods, live enrollment data may be found in SIS.