Courses 1 - 55 of 55 Course Term Instructor DOW Time Cred ENR:CAP Room Administrative Law (Section 1) Fall 24 Konnoth, Craig Wed, Thu 1400-1600 4 2:13 SL131 Administrative Law (Section 2) Spring 25 Bamzai, Aditya Mon, Tue, Thu 1000-1120 4 65:80 WB152 Administrative Law (Section 1) Spring 25 Woolhandler, Ann Mon, Wed 0830-0950 3 64:64 SL262 Advanced Topics in the First Amendment (Religion Clauses) (Section 1) Spring 25 Armacost, Barbara E. Schwartzman, Micah J. Thu 1540-1740 3 16:16 WB114 Appellate Litigation Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Fall 24 Alvino McGill, Lori Ballenger, Scott Stetson, Cate Fri 1130-1250 4 12:12 WB121 Appellate Litigation Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Spring 25 Alvino McGill, Lori Ballenger, Scott Stetson, Cate Fri 1130-1250 4 12:12 WB121 Civil Rights and Antidiscrimination Law (Section 1) Fall 24 Milligan, Joy Mon, Wed 0930-1120 4 20:80 WB126 Civil Rights Litigation (Section 1) Fall 24 Collins, Michael G. Mon, Wed 1410-1530 3 85:86 WB154 Comparative Constitutional Law (Section 1) Spring 25 Versteeg, Mila Mon, Wed 1410-1530 3 18:18 WB162 Comparative Freedom of Speech (Section 1) Spring 25 Cope, Kevin Mon 1540-1740 2 36:40 WB103 Concepts in Policing: Challenges and Application (SC) (Section 1) Spring 25 Longo Sr., Timothy Waters, Ashley Special Schedule - 1 16:16 WB119 Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Religion (Section 1) Fall 24 Schwartzman, Micah J. Tue, Thu 1410-1530 3 93:95 WB101 Criminal Adjudication (Section 1) Fall 24 Frampton, Thomas Mon, Wed 1000-1120 3 79:86 WB152 Criminal Investigation (Section 1) Fall 24 Coughlin, Anne M. Mon, Wed, Thu 1410-1530 4 45:80 SL278 Criminal Investigation (Section 1) Spring 25 Armacost, Barbara E. Mon, Wed 1540-1700 3 70:80 WB126 Criminal Procedure Survey (Section 1) Fall 24 Harmon, Rachel Mon, Wed, Thu 1130-1250 4 78:80 SL278 Federal Courts (Section 1) Fall 24 Jeffries Jr., John C. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 0850-0950 4 61:80 WB102 Federal Courts (Section 1) Spring 25 Ahdout, Payvand Mon, Wed, Thu 1000-1120 4 59:80 WB154 Federal Sentencing (SC) (Judge-Taught) (Section 1) Spring 25 Underhill, Stefan Special Schedule - 1 9:16 WB129 First Amendment Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Fall 24 Kalish, Ian C. Rottman, Gabe Weeks, Lin Fri 1100-1300 4 10:10 WB127 First Amendment Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Spring 25 Kalish, Ian C. Rottman, Gabe Weeks, Lin Fri 1100-1300 4 10:10 WB127 History of American Federalism (Section 1) Fall 24 Nicoletti, Cynthia L. Mon, Wed 1130-1250 3 26:44 WB104 Law and Inequality Colloquium (Section 1) Fall 24 Milligan, Joy Ross, Bertrall Mon 1335-1535 2 11:16 WB162 Law and Riots (Section 1) Spring 25 Heaphy, Timothy J. Kavanaugh, Christopher R. Mon 1800-2000 2 16:16 WB121 Law of the Police I: Rules, Rights, and Regulation (Section 1) Spring 25 Harmon, Rachel Mon, Wed 1410-1530 3 65:64 WB126 Law, Inequality, and Education Reform (Section 1) Spring 25 Robinson, Kimberly J. Thu 1300-1500 3 16:16 WB114 Legislation and Regulation (Section 1) Spring 25 Johnston, Jason S. Wed, Fri 1000-1120 3 9:64 SL258 Litigating the 2024 Presidential Election (Section 1) Fall 24 Ortiz, Daniel R. Thu 1540-1840 3 10:16 WB121 Monetary Constitution Seminar (Section 1) Spring 25 Kitch, Edmund W. Mahoney, Julia D. Tue 1335-1535 3 8:8 WB162 Monument Litigation (SC) (Section 1) Spring 25 Heytens, Toby J. Merry Samuels, Jessica Special Schedule - 1 16:16 WB127 Pain and the Law (Section 1) Spring 25 Abrokwa, Alice Mon, Wed 0830-0950 3 20:20 SL258 Perspectives on Sovereignty - Native American Law (Section 1) Spring 25 Clement, Holly Tue 1130-1330 3 5:12 WB164 Privacy (Section 1) Spring 25 Citron, Danielle K. Tue, Thu 0930-1120 4 80:80 WB126 Privacy Law and Theory Seminar (Section 1) Spring 25 Citron, Danielle K. Thu 1300-1500 3 16:16 WB121 Privacy Torts (Section 1) Fall 24 Citron, Danielle K. Mon 1540-1740 2 16:16 WB114 Project for Informed Reform Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Fall 24 Enright, Deirdre M. Wed 1410-1530 4 10:10 SL284 Project for Informed Reform Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Spring 25 Enright, Deirdre M. Wed 1410-1530 4 10:10 SL284 Property, the Police Power and Emergencies (Section 1) Fall 24 Mahoney, Julia D. Nicoletti, Cynthia L. Mon 1330-1530 3 18:20 WB121 Public Law Colloquium (Section 1) Spring 25 Ahdout, Payvand Prakash, Saikrishna Wed 1400-1600 2 16:16 WB127 Racial Justice and Law (Section 1) Fall 24 Forde-Mazrui, Kim Mon, Wed 1130-1250 3 16:16 WB127 Regulation of Political Advocacy Seminar (Section 1) Spring 25 Sanderson, Matthew Mon 1540-1740 3 16:16 WB119 Regulation of the Political Process (Section 1) Spring 25 Martin, John J. Tue, Thu 1540-1700 3 34:64 WB102 Regulatory Law and Policy (Section 1) Spring 25 Livermore, Michael A. Mon, Wed 1540-1700 3 25:64 SL298 Reproductive Rights and Justice (SC) (Section 1) J-Term 25 Cahn, Naomi R. Coughlin, Anne M. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 0900-1200 1 14:16 WB162 Second Amendment and Gun Violence Colloquium (Section 1) Fall 24 Duffy, John F. Hynes, Rich Thu 1540-1740 2 14:16 WB162 State and Local Government Policy Clinic (YR-Fall) (Section 1) Fall 24 Block, Andrew Ryan, Karoline Homer Tue 1300-1500 4 12:12 WB129 State and Local Government Policy Clinic (YR-Spring) (Section 1) Spring 25 Block, Andrew Ryan, Karoline Homer Tue 1400-1500 4 12:12 WB116 State Attorneys General (Section 1) Spring 25 Herring, Mark Mon 1540-1740 3 16:16 WB121 State Constitutionalism (Judge-Taught) (Section 1) Fall 24 Lorish, Lisa Mon 1500-1715 2 15:15 SL284 Supreme Court Litigation Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Fall 24 Long, Robert Wang, Xiao Fri 1130-1250 4 12:12 WB114 Supreme Court Litigation Clinic (YR) (Section 1) Spring 25 Long, Robert Wang, Xiao Fri 1130-1250 4 12:12 WB114 Supreme Court: October Term (Section 1) Fall 24 Harrison, John C. Ortiz, Daniel R. Thu 1000-1200 2 7:16 WB114 The Constitution, Democracy and US History (Section 1) Spring 25 Milligan, Joy Ross, Bertrall Tue 1335-1535 3 16:16 WB127 The Great Writ (SC) (Judge-Taught) (Section 1) J-Term 25 Oldham, Andrew Thapar, Amul R. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 0900-1200 1 11:12 SL366 The Mueller Report and the Role of the Special Counsel (SC) (Section 1) Fall 24 Goldstein, Andrew Quarles, James Zebley, Aaron Special Schedule - 1 12:16 WB102