Numbers in parentheses indicate which academic year(s) the courses were offered, i.e., 2021-22 is coded (22), 2022-23 is coded (23) and 2023-24 is coded (24). (SC) stands for short course and (YR) stands for yearlong.
Children and the Law (22,23,24)
Civil Rights and Antidiscrimination Law (23)
Civil Rights Litigation (22,23,24)
Education Inside U.S. Prisons Seminar (22,23,24)
Education Law Survey (22,23)
Law, Inequality and Education Reform (22)
Parental Choice in K-12 Education (SC) (23)
Race, Education and Opportunity (22,23)
School Desegregation, School Integration (24)
Title IX: The Law and Policy of Sex Discrimination in Education (SC) (22)
Holistic Youth Defense Clinic (22,23,24)
State and Local Government Policy Clinic (YR) (22,23,24)
Youth Advocacy Clinic (YR) (22,23,24)
Clinic Helps Lawmakers Pass Childhood Literacy Bill
A new state literacy program will help Virginia schoolchildren learn how to read, thanks to a new law ushered in part by clinic students at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Beyond the Classroom
Child Advocacy Research and Education
The student organization CARE brings together law students interested in taking a legal approach to issues affecting children, including education, juvenile justice, foster care and immigration. Through partnerships with local and national children’s law and advocacy organizations and CARE-generated projects, members assist in the direct representation of children and strive for broader systemic change through policy research and advocacy.
Local Education Policy Project
This pro bono project, directed by Professor Katie Ryan ’92 in partnership with the School of Education and Human Development, provides policy research support for school-level education leaders.