Lillian K. Stone Distinguished Lecture on Environmental Policy

Brenda Mallory, chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, will deliver the Lillian K. Stone Distinguished Lecture on Environmental Policy at the University of Virginia. As chair, Mallory advises the president on environmental and natural resources policies that improve, preserve, and protect public health and the environment for America’s communities. The lecture, made possible through a gift from University of Virginia alumni Thatcher Stone (Law ’82) and Frank Kittredge (Architecture ’78), is hosted jointly by the Schools of Architecture and Law. The lectureship is intended to fulfill the intellectual and educational commitments of the two schools by creating an opportunity for students to be educated in environmental policy and the National Environmental Policy Act. The Council on Environmental Quality, situated in the White House, is the nation’s lead office on implementation of NEPA. UVA Law professor emeritus Jonathan Z. Cannon will moderate the discussion. The talk will be followed by a reception.