Ruth Rubio-Marin

Ruth Rubio-Marín


Ruth Rubio-Marín is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sevilla, adjunct professor at the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute, and florence and director of the UNIA UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Interculturalism. She has taught at New York University (where, since 2003, she is has been a Global Professor), Columbia Law School and Princeton University, where she was part of the first cohort of fellows in the Law and Public Affairs Program.

Rubio-Marín’s research, focused on comparative constitutionalism, law and gender, immigration and citizenship and transitional justice, represents an attempt to understand how public law creates categories of inclusion and exclusion around different axes including gender, citizenship, nationality and ethnicity.

Rubio-Marín is the author of over 50 articles and is the author, editor and co-editor of the following books: “Immigration as a Democratic Challenge” (Cambridge University Press, 2000), “The Gender of Constitutional Jurisprudence” (editor with Baines, Cambridge University Press, 2004), “What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations” (editor, Social Science Research Council, New York, 2006), “The Gender of Reparations: Subverting Sexual Hierarchies while Redressing Human Rights Violations” (editor, Cambridge University Press, 2009); “The Battle for Female Suffrage in the EU: Voting to Become Citizens” (editor with Rodriguez Ruiz, Brill, 2012), “Human Rights and Immigration” (editor, Oxford University Press, 2014); “Transforming gender citizenship: The irresistible rise of gender quotas in Europe” (editor with Lépinard, Cambridge University Press, 2018); “Gender Parity and Multicultural Feminism: Towards a New Synthesis” (editor with Will Kymlicka, Oxford University Press, 2018); “Women as Constitution Makers: Case Studies from the New Democratic Era” (editor with Helen Irving, Cambridge University Press, 2019); “Global Gender Constitutionationalism and Women's Citizenship” (Cambridge University Press, 2023); “Gender, Sexuality and Constitutionalism in Asia” (editor with Chang, Malagodi & Loper, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023); “Women, Gender and Constitutionalism in Latin America” (editor with Pou and Undurraga, Routledge, 2024).

As a consultant and activist, Rubio-Marín has worked for several national and international institutions and agencies including with the United Nations and the European Union, as well as with several nongovernmental organizations, including the International Center for Transitional Justice. She has extensive in-country experience in dealing with reparations in post-conflict societies, including in Morocco, Nepal and Colombia. She assisted U.N. Special Rapporteur Rashida Manjoo in drafting her report “Violence Against Women: On Reparations for Women Subjected to Violence.”

Rubio-Marín has given talks and keynote speeches in over 25 countries around the world. She speaks five languages fluently. She is an occasional contributor to public opinion formation through editorials in national and international press.