
Konrad Lachmayer

Distinguished International Scholar

Konrad Lachmayer studied law at the University of Vienna, where he gained his Ph.D. in public law. He visited the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Germany) and the Central European University (Hungary). From 2013/14 to 2016, he held a research chair at the Institute of Legal Studies, Centre for Social Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and was first a research fellow and then a visiting fellow at Durham Law School (United Kingdom). Since 2017 he has been professor for Public Law, European Law and Foundations of Law in the Faculty of Law at Sigmund Freud University (SFU) in Vienna.

His research and teaching focuses on International Constitutional Law, especially the methodology of constitutional comparison, climate change law, data protection, and Austrian and European public law, particularly in terms of democratic legitimation, rule of law and human rights.