Private Loan Programs

Private Educational Loans

Many private lending institutions offer credit-based educational loans to students. Students should carefully consider the interest rates, loan fees and terms of the program before making a selection. You are free to choose any lender, including those not presented in the link below. If you choose a lender not presented, please contact our office to ensure we receive your loan request. 

Please be aware that private loans do not qualify for most loan repayment assistance programs, nor do they qualify for most loan forgiveness programs (including VLFP or PSLF).

UVA Law requires that all students seeking a private loan complete a loan counseling session with the financial aid office.

How to Apply for Private Loans / bar study loans

Bar Study Loans

Some private lenders offer bar study loans for the 6- to 12-month period immediately following graduation. These loans are designed to assist graduating law students in their efforts to finance bar-exam related expenses and summer living expenses. Be sure to read loan terms carefully, as these can carry high interest rates and other fees. When researching or applying online, be sure the loan is specifically designated as a Bar Study Loan and not a traditional private student loan. 

Make sure that you have considered all of your federal loan options before considering a Bar Study Loan. As with all private loans, Bar Study Loans do not qualify for repayment assistance or loan forgiveness programs (including VLFP or PSLF). Students can apply for a bar study loan during their final semester of law school or up to one year after graduation.