Academic Policies

The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The Graduate Record represents the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found at

The Academic Policies were published on June 14, 2024. Updates to the site are made throughout the year; those changes are dated and noted in red. All Updates

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These Academic Policies contain current information regarding the Law School’s requirements, policies, and procedures. For additional information, consult the Academic Services/Student Records Office in 107 Slaughter Hall. These requirements, policies, and procedures may be changed at any time within the student’s term of residence and apply to all law students, including graduate and dual-degree students. These requirements, policies, and procedures may be waived (if waivable) only by the assistant dean for academic services or the assistant dean for student affairs. Appeal of any decision by an assistant dean may be made only to the faculty/student Academic Review Committee.

In addition to the Academic Policies, all law students are responsible for complying with the policies listed in the Graduate Record, a University publication available on the University’s website. The Graduate Record has important information on the University of Virginia, tuition, fees, financial aid, regulations governing graduate law and dual-degree programs, policies that apply to all University students and the honor system. NOTE: Licensing jurisdictions oftentimes impose eligibility requirements for bar admission beyond those required by these Academic Policies, and students are therefore strongly advised to study and adhere to the eligibility requirements of any jurisdiction where they may seek bar admission.

I. Academic Policies and Procedures

A. Attendance
B. Class Rank
C. Grievance Policy
D. Concurrent Enrollment at Other Institutions
E. Degree Requirements
F. Disability Accommodation
G. Eligible Faculty Supervisors
H. Employment 
I. Grading System
J. Leaves of Absence and Withdrawals
K. Summer Courses at Other Law Schools
L. Transfer Students
M. Upper-Level Writing Requirement
N. Visiting at Other Law Schools
O. Class Work Deadline
P. Credit Hour Policy

II. International Programs

A. International Dual-Degree Program
B. International Exchange Programs
C. Law Courses at Foreign Universities
D. Student-Initiated Study Abroad

III. Special Programs

A. Dual-Degree Programs
B. External Dual-Degree Programs
C. Externships
D. Third-Year Thesis Program

IV. Papers

A. Original Work Required
B. Multiple Submissions
C. Deadlines and Extensions
D. Late Submissions

V. Examinations

A. Final Exam Schedule
B. General Rules
C. Computer Policies
D. Procedure for Problems Experienced During an Examination
E. Honor Pledge
F. Exam Types and Questionset Distribution, Answer Submission and Collection Procedures
G. Late Exams
H. Fire Alarm and Power Outages
I. Exceptions

VI. Courses and Course Enrollment

A. Adding and Dropping Courses
B. Auditing Courses
C. Course Load
D. Course Withdrawal
E. Courses in Other University Departments
F. Directed Research
G. Course Enrollment Procedures 
H. Independent Research
I. January Term Courses
J. JAG School Courses
K. Exclusive Courses
L. Prerequisite Courses
M. Repeating Courses
N. Short Courses
O. Time Conflicts
P. Yearlong Courses

VII. Academic and Non-Academic Student Conduct Requirements

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