I. Academic Policies and Procedures

G. Eligible Faculty Supervisors

The list of faculty who may supervise Directed and Independent Research, Externship Directed Study, and Third-year Theses is available here.

H. Employment

Students are expected to dedicate their time and attention to their studies and should not engage in employment that is incompatible with a full-time commitment to the study of law. Students who choose to work part-time during the academic year are strongly encouraged not to work more than 20 hours per week during any week in which the student is enrolled in more than 12 credits of academic coursework. First-year law students are strongly discouraged from engaging in any outside employment during the academic year. Students who are considering an employment commitment that exceeds these recommendations must notify the assistant dean for student affairs prior to taking on any such commitment, and they are also encouraged to discuss these plans with the assistant dean for student affairs before making a final employment decision.

I. Grading System

Faculty are required to award grades in each course to a mean that will be enforced by the vice dean of the Law School. Instructors should ensure that grades have an adequate distribution around this mean.

1) GRADES There are three possible grading bases for courses at the Law School: (i) Letter grades, whereby faculty evaluate performance in courses (including Independent Research and the graded portion of Externships) using one of 10 possible letter grades: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D and F; (ii) Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U); and (iii) Honors (H), Pass (P), Fail (F). Students withdrawn from a course, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, receive a W (Withdrawn) or WF (Withdrawn Failing) notation on their transcript. No credit will be awarded for a course in which a student receives a U grade, or W or WF notation. U grades are treated as F grades. Grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, S, H, and P are passing grades. 

NOTEUniversity and Law School policy states that any grade, once submitted, can be changed only in the event of a clerical error in calculation (adding up raw scores incorrectly) or transcription. The Law School does not entertain appeals or grievances of the faculty’s academic evaluation of students.


A+ = 4.3 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3 F = 0.0
A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0  
A- = 3.7 B- = 2.7 D = 1.0  


Academic Policies (continued)