Luca Urech (Fletcher School, MA candidate in Law and Diplomacy) has written in with the following reaction to my post on the extraterritorial right to privacy, discussing how we might apply the concept of "effective control" to cyber-contexts:

 Confronting the revelations of the massive NSA surveillance program, Kenneth Roth has recently called for a global right to privacy and stressed that it is time for the “law to catch up.” Before thinking about the creation of new international rules, it is however worth looking at the protection that international law affords as it stands today. Does the right to privacy as enshrined in Article 17 of the ICCPR and many other human rights treaties already provide for global protection, Ashley Deeks rightly asks?

Ashley S. Deeks, Extraterritorial Right to Privacy: A Response by Luca Urech, Lawfare (November 15, 2013).