This review of Money, Politics, and the Constitution: Beyond Citizens United, soon to appear in the Election Law Journal, canvasses this collection of state-of-the-art essays on campaign finance reform. It briefly touches on many of them but principally focuses on three: the essays by Robert Post and Richard Pildes, which open the collection, and the one by Burt Neuborne that concludes it. These essays exhibit a certain double-sidedness, I argue. That is, those against campaign finance reform might embrace the principles the authors lay down but reach very different conclusions in application. Although such double-sidedness might at first surprise in a collection of essays commissioned by the Brennan Center, an institutional champion of campaign finance reform, I argue that this “double vision” should actually be expected and represents a step forward in the debates over campaign finance reform.

Daniel R. Ortiz, Advancing “A Charter for a Vibrant Democracy” (reviewing Monica Youn, ed., Money Politics, and the Constitution: Beyond Citizens United) 11 Election Law Journal 348–351 (2012).
UVA Law Faculty Affiliations
Daniel R. Ortiz