Forced Migration: Law and Policy
Forced Migration: Law and Policy includes materials on asylum, refugees, the Convention Against Torture, temporary protection schemes, and a variety of related topics. The principal focus is U.S. law and policy, but the authors have leavened the mix with comparative materials from a variety of countries. This new casebook is based on the chapter on refugees and asylum in the Immigration and Citizenship casebook that three of the authors have co-authored for some time. They have welcomed Maryellen Fullerton to their ranks for this project (and for the next edition of the Immigration and Citizenship casebook as well), and the four authors have drawn on that chapter for the Forced Migration volume. But as the title suggests, this new casebook not only significantly reorganizes and expands that material, but also reflects the authors effort to rethink the evolving conceptual architecture of this field. The book is designed for use in a three-hour law school course, but with judicious paring can be readily used for a two-hour course or as the foundation of a seminar.