Children should be seen and not heard, or so the old saying goes. A new version of this adage is now playing out across the United States, as more...
In looking at the history of family law, we locate family law – and the status of women and children within it – as a function of political economy...
Extraordinary times beget extraordinary measures. Multiple national emergencies during the past quarter century have generated a pitched debate as to...
When Michael Jackson died in 2009, he left a complicated legacy. But one thing remains true: The King of Pop’s music still generates millions of...
The history of public policy is littered with failures to solve large-scale social problems using interventions derived from behavioral science...
The Supreme Court has twice held since 2020 that statutory restrictions on the President’s removal power violate Article II of the U.S. Constitution...
Conservative media titan Rupert Murdoch is making news again – this time, with a secretive effort to change an irrevocable trust. That trust has...
Large language models (LLMs) now perform extremely well on many natural language processing tasks. Their ability to convert legal texts to data may...
Reviewing, (For the Balkinization Symposium on) Solangel Maldonado, The Architecture of Desire: How the Law Shapes Interracial Intimacy and...
We live in an age of student surveillance. Once student surveillance just involved on-campus video cameras, school resource officers, and tip lines...
In an era of supposed great equality, women are still falling behind in the workplace. Even with more women in the workforce than in decades past...
This chapter discusses the failures of the privatized childcare and eldercare infrastructure in the United States. While that system preceded COVID-19...
Countries hit by unexpected crises often look to their overseas diasporas for assistance. Some countries have tapped into this generosity of their...
Professor Elizabeth Scott, the chief reporter of the American Law Institute’s (ALI) Restatement of Children and the Law, has often observed that the...
In 2021 the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) gave final approval to the Uniform Cohabitants' Economic Remedies Act (UCERA). The Act provides a framework...
Differences in marriage rates reflect the demographic composition of each party: Democrats are more likely to be Black or Hispanic, and to be younger...
A defining feature of the past two and a half centuries has been the extraordinary and unprecedented velocity of technological change. The rush of new...