An upcoming Supreme Court case on Article III standing and disability presents critical questions about the future of litigation that promotes...
In the last few years, the Supreme Court has upended its doctrine of religious freedom under the First Amendment. The Court has explicitly rejected...
Contract terms that improve or reduce the likelihood of repayment of a debt should impact its price. That’s basic economics. But what about a contract...
King John and the barons negotiated the Magna Carta in 1215. Three thousand years earlier, Hammurabi enacted his famous code. Law is an ancient...
This article discusses the links between climate and debt sustainability by focusing on how climate mitigation and adaptation are paid for, and who...
Courts routinely use low cash bail as a financial incentive to ensure that released defendants appear in court and abstain from crime. This can create...
I’m writing about a book of mine that may be of interest to the election law community. The title is Public Law and Economics, my coauthor is Robert...
This comprehensive textbook applies economic analysis to public law. The economic analysis of law has revolutionized legal scholarship and teaching in...
Human rights discourse has become central to the global debates about treatment of and solutions for refugees and displaced persons. Following the...
Unnoticed in the literature on sovereign bonds, an innovation has been taking place over the past decade and a half. Starting with a single issuance...
We evaluate the impacts of adopting algorithmic risk assessments as an aid to judicial discretion in felony sentencing. We find that judges' decisions...
We analyze the price effect of the introduction of Collective Action Clauses (CACs) in newly issued sovereign bonds of Eurozone countries as of...
In days of yore when men fought in sailing ships, a naval captain could only signal his intention to surrender his vessel by ‘striking the colours’...
The economic harm being caused by the novel coronavirus may soon result in multiple sovereign debtors moving into default territory. But the...
All sovereign debt restructurings risk undershooting (providing less debt relief than is needed to restore the country to long-term sustainability)...
In 2016, its economy in shambles and looking to defer payment on its debts, the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro proposed a multi-billion...