National security decisions pose a paradox: they are among the most consequential a government can make, but are generally the least transparent to...
Musk’s attempts to gain access to agency databases is an egregious violation of the act, which protects personal information from abuse.
Between November and December 2024, news articles reported widespread incidents of small- and medium-sized drones flying across northeastern U.S...
The first principle of insurance reflects the fundamental lesson of the tragic California fires: you can’t get something for nothing. If expected...
The per se rule against specific enforcement of personal service contracts is well established under Anglo-American contract law. At the same time...
The idea of institutionalism figures prominently in today’s debates about the role of federal courts in American democracy. For example, Chief Justice...
History and precedent tell us that the just compensation requirement has been implemented by a complex network of remedies providing multiple avenues...
At the heart of national security decisions lies a paradox: these decisions are among the most consequential a government can make, but often the...
The Supreme Court has overruled Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, finally interring a doctrine of statutory interpretation that it had...
The use of autonomy to initiate force, which states may begin to view as necessary to protect against hypersonic attacks and other forms of ‘hyperwar...
After two years of debate in Congress and the broader world over forfeiting the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank for the benefit of Ukraine...
The glaring gap in tort theory is its failure to take adequate account of liability insurance. Much of tort theory fails to recognize the active and...
The view that international law functions independently of municipal law (hermetically), does not reflect contemporary international practice. Instead...
An upcoming Supreme Court case on Article III standing and disability presents critical questions about the future of litigation that promotes...
En række amerikanske præsidentkandidater og kongresmedlemmer er i de sidste år begyndt at argumentere for, at USA burde lancere militære angreb mod...
In this time of deep partisan divisions, it is tempting to celebrate rare areas of bipartisan consensus. U.S. policy on countering China is the most...
In an era defined by partisan rifts and government gridlock, many celebrate the rare issues that prompt bipartisan consensus. But extreme consensus...
“Dignity” is a rallying cry of social and political movements worldwide. It also appears in legal doctrine and scholarship. But the meaning of dignity...