Virginia Law Review
Mike Dooley was one of the country's most prominent corporate law professors during his forty-four years in law teaching, of which forty-one were at the University of Virginia. Mike received both his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Iowa. He practiced for five years with Dewey Ballantine in New York and then began his academic career in 1968 at the University of Illinois.
In the fall of 1971, Mike came to Virginia for a visit. Years later, displaying his trademark wit and lack of self-importance, Mike said "my chief qualification was the fact that I was available." Even had that been true at the time he was asked, it would not remain true. During that visit Mike published in the Virginia Law Review a magnificent article titled The Effects of Civil Liability on Investment Banking and the New Issues Market. The piece can fairly be called one of the pioneering efforts in the economic analysis of corporate and securities law. More importantly, its analysis was so penetrating and prescient that the passage of forty years has not dimmed its insightfulness and influence.
Paul G. Mahoney, A Tribute to Michael P. Dooley, 98 Virginia Law Review 1427–1430 (2012).