In an earlier article, we argued that the Utah Supreme Court failed to follow and correctly apply clear U.S. Supreme Court precedent in Steiner v. Utah when the Utah high court held that an internally inconsistent and discriminatory state tax regime did not violate the dormant commerce clause. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court recently declined certiorari in Steiner, but the issue is unlikely to go away. Not every state high court will defy the U.S. Supreme Court by refusing to apply the dormant commerce clause, and so the Court will sooner or later likely find itself facing conflicting interpretations of the dormant foreign commerce clause. Accordingly, in this article we address an issue that we did not cover in our earlier article: how Utah could revise its tax system to satisfy the Constitution.
Scholars regard the 1923 League of Nations experts’ report as the origin of the international tax system as we know it. The experts’ report noted the...
This Chapter discusses citizenship taxation as a potential solution to the challenges posed by increasing global mobility and the digitalization of...
This article takes an in-depth look at the deeply flawed EU Court of Justice decision in the Apple state aid case. We discuss whether any legitimate...
Last month the European Court of Justice ended an eight-year tax battle involving Apple and Ireland. In a dramatic upset, the court handed the EU...
Liberalism is back on its heels, pushed there by political movements in the United States and Europe and by the critiques of legal scholars and...
Income inequality is a national preoccupation, and the public’s imagination is captured by the astronomical incomes of Valley tech billionaires and...
Over the past twenty-five years, Congress has enacted several major reforms for employer-sponsored retirement plans and individual retirement accounts...
There have been a lot of intriguing developments in the Hamilton Reserve Bank vs Sri Lanka litigation lately, not least mounting questions around who...
In an era characterized by inequalities of income and influence, political polarization, and the segregation of social spaces, the income tax...
Over the past quarter century, Congress has enacted several major reforms for retirement plans and individual retirement accounts, usually with large...
At the inception of a new and potentially transformative type of tax enforcement, this Article reviews the goals underlying the prohibition on state...
Income tax law and policy are fundamentally intertwined with private markets—causal effects run in both directions. The vitality of public markets can...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 provoked the imposition of economic sanctions that are unprecedented in their swiftness, severity, and novelty...
A division exists between scholars who claim that Congress made only limited delegations to executive officials in the early Republic, and those who...
By the end of the 20th century, international tax law was a dinosaur: outdated, outmoded, and inadequate at collecting and allocating the taxing...
In this article, Mason reviews the advocate general opinion in the case against Ireland for granting illegal state aid to Apple. Advocate General...