Charting a Course in Higher Ed
5 Leaders, 5 Scholars and
5 Ways They Got There
UVA Lawyer profiles leaders and scholars in higher education and explores how the Law School prepares graduates to excel in the field.
Judge Carlton Reeves �89 came to Virginia for his law degree. But he never had any doubt he would return to Mississippi to apply his legal knowledge.
Former student commissioners of the North Grounds Softball League at UVA Law share tales from the diamond.
Janet Lauck Blakeman, the only female graduate in the Class of 1957, paved the way for women lawyers and students.
Republican Sen. John N. Kennedy '77 wins a Louisiana seat and starts a new role on Capitol Hill.
U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin �86 takes on a new role representing Virginia's 4th Congressional District after serving in state government.
Don Yee '87, who represents Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, is starting a new league, Pacific Pro football, to meet the needs of players.
The Untold Story of UVA Law's Architecture
One High-Stakes Litigator: Andrea Neuman '90
Fashioning an In-House Career: Tracy Preston '91
Former Navy Pilot Jeff Immel '12 Helps Clear Flight Path for Drone Delivery
A Way With Words: Annie Kim '99
'Shaping Justice' Pays Tribute to Public Service
Why Arrest? By Professor Rachel Harmon
Faculty Focus: International Law and National Security
Clinic Brings Epic Case to Supreme Court
UVA Law Challenges 'Virginia's Form of Debtors' Prison'
Two Cases That Didn't Add Up for the Innocence Project
Charlottesville's Former Top Cop Explores Use of Force in New Course