2024 New Student Orientation for LL.M.s, S.J.D.s and Exchange Students

​Important to Note

  • Add/Drop Period ends September 3 at 9 a.m. Detailed instructions about the add/drop process will be sent via email.
  • First-year (1L) courses start August 21. Upper-level courses start August 27. Access the Academic Calendar.
  • Homework before first class: Most courses have required readings for the first class. Check Canvas for reading assignments required for each class.
  • Books: Students can purchase or rent books from the Law School's Courts and Commerce Bookstore. Please refer to Dean Vito’s email with instructions (to be sent in July after academic advising meetings) on how to order your books. For book order questions email Larry Rambo. Books should be ordered after the course registration lottery.
  • Dress code: Feel free to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Dressing in layers is advised.

In-Person Mandatory Events (August 12-19, 2024)

University of Virginia School of Law, 580 Massie Road, Charlottesville, Virginia

We look forward to welcoming you to Grounds and to Charlottesville!

All orientation events are mandatory for all students unless marked otherwise. If you need to miss a mandatory event for any reason, please email Assistant Dean Adriana Vito.

All events from Aug. 12-19 are held at the Law School at the rooms listed in your program: 580 Massie Road, Charlottesville, VA (access a map). The International Studies Office (ISO) will host a mandatory orientation program for international students (F1 and J1 visa holders) the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 20 at Minor Hall Room 125 (Central Grounds). U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) are exempted from having to attend this ISO mandatory orientation for F1 and J1 visa holders on Aug. 20.

COVID-19 Precautions: Masks are optional. Students are free to wear a mask if they wish to do so.

Please visit the UVA Student Health COVID-19 page and FAQ to stay up-to-date on UVA COVID-19 related requirements and precautions, and to learn where and how to get tested at UVA.

Students feeling unwell or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, body aches, chills) anytime during Aug. 12-20 or a few days earlier may be excused from this program and encouraged to stay home. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms at any time, please stay calm, stay home and contact UVA Student Health for further instructions or to secure an appointment with a healthcare provider or for testing. Make sure to notify Dean Adriana Vito by email as well.

Monday, August 12

11:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Clay Hall


Meet and Greet with Graduate Studies Office Staff

Pick up ID cards, nametags and orientation welcome kit (passport/picture is required to pick up ID cards).

  • Graduate Studies Program Welcoming Committee: Adriana Vito, Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies; current graduate students and volunteers

12-1:20 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Lunch and Welcome to the Graduate Studies Program

1:30 p.m.-3 p.m., Clay Hall

Tours of the Law School and Law Library (Starts From Clay Hall)

LL.M.s, S.J.D.s and exchange students will split into two groups for tours (45 minutes each tour)

3-3:30 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Student Services Introduction

Learn about resources and services available to graduate students.

3:30-4:00 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Student Records Introduction

Law School Policies and Procedures

4-5 p.m.

Bloomberg Training

  • Will Thompson

Tuesday, August 13

9:45 a.m., Admissions Office

Class Photo

10-11:45 a.m., Caplin Pavilion

Contracts Under Civil Law vs. Common Law: Formation, Defenses, Covenants, Warranties and Remedies

Learn the relevant differences in contracts in Civil Law and Common Law systems

11:45 a.m.-12 p.m.


12-1 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Lunch with Alumni

1-2:15 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Alumni Panel

(Optional for J.A.G.s and exchange students)

Learn about the career trajectory of successful LL.M. alumni, their favorite courses and professors, and things they enjoyed doing when they lived in Charlottesville.

2:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m.


2:30-3:30 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

LL.M. Careers 

(Optional for J.A.G.s and exchange students)

Learn about the dynamics of the LL.M. job search, process and resources available at the Law School.

3:30 p.m.-3:40 p.m.


3:40-4 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Overview of the Journal Tryout Process

(Optional for J.A.G.s and exchange students)

  • Erik Briggs, J.D. candidate (Class of 2026)

4-4:45 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Student Organizations and Life in Charlottesville

The Law School has 75 active student organizations. Learn the benefits of participating and life in Charlottesville during your LL.M. year.

  • Erik Briggs, J.D. candidate (Class of 2026)
  • Simon Volkov, LL.M. ’23, J.D. candidate (Class of 2025)
  • Shunkai Ding, J.D. candidate (Class of 2026)

4:45 p.m., The Forum Hotel


Students are welcome to join Erik Briggs and his fellow J.D. students for refreshments.

  • Erik Briggs, J.D. candidate (Class of 2026)
  • J.D. student leaders

Wednesday, August 14

9-10 a.m., Caplin Pavilion

Lexis Training

  • Sabrina Chester

9:45-10:45 a.m., Caplin Pavilion

Introduction to U.S. Constitutional Law

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

Learn about Professor Nachbar’s current research and the activities of the National Security Law Center.

10:45-11 a.m.


11 a.m-12 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Learning to Think in the U.S. Legal System

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

What to expect from Intro to American Law and Graduate Legal Research and Writing courses, plus tips for studying and preparing for class.

12-1:30 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Lunch With Professors Rosenberg and Morgan

Meals provided. Students are welcome to eat in Caplin Pavilion, other Law School common areas or outside.

1:30-2:30 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

New York Bar Exam Eligibility Requirements Q&A Session

(Optional for J.A.G.s and exchange students)

2:30-2:45 p.m.


2:45-4 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Safety Talk

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

  • Adriana Vito, Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies
  • Helen Dugger, Associate Director of Financial Aid, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Approved and Court-Mandated Defensive Driver Improvement Instructor

4-5 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Orientation First Part Wrap-Up and Final Q&A

Reminder of mandatory sessions and what to expect in the next few days.

Thursday, August 15

LL.M.s, S.J.D.s and exchange students will join the J.D. students in orientation starting August 17. All events are mandatory except when noted optional for certain groups. 

8:30-9:30 a.m., Caplin Auditorium Lobby

Continental Breakfast (Optional) and Check-in

9:30-10:30 a.m., Caplin Auditorium

Welcome to the Law School

10:30-11:15 a.m., Caplin Auditorium

Welcome to the Profession: Civility Matters

11:15-11:30 a.m., Caplin Auditorium

Oath of Professionalism

11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Various Classrooms

Lunch With Sections and Orientation Facilitators 

  • Section A - WB101
  • Section B WB102
  • Section C WB103
  • Section D - WB104
  • Section E WB105
  • Section F - SL262
  • Section G - SL278
  • Section H SL294
  • Section I SL298
  • Section J - WB126
  • Section LL.M. - WB128

1:30-2 p.m., Caplin Auditorium

Professional Expectations in Law School 

2-2:45 p.m., Caplin Auditorium

Free Expression at the Law School

2:45-3:45 p.m.


Students may use this time to visit the bookstore, go for a walk, and socialize.

3:45-4:15 p.m., WB154

Personal Safety in Charlottesville

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

4:15-4:45 p.m., WB152

Title IX Policies and Procedures

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

5-6 p.m., Various Locations (Spies Garden, Purcell Garden, Holcomb Green Lawn)

Picnic Dinner by Section

Students only.

Friday, August 16


8:30-10 a.m., Caplin Auditorium Lobby

Continental Breakfast (Optional) and Check-in

10-11:30 a.m., Caplin Auditorium and WB154

Creating an Inclusive Community

  • Jaqueline Cranford
  • Denise Robinson

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Various Classrooms

Lunch with Orientation Facilitators

1-2 p.m., Caplin Auditorium

Managing Difficult Conversations

2-3 p.m., Various Classrooms

Facilitated Discussions by Section

  • Section A - WB101
  • Section B WB102
  • Section C WB103
  • Section D - WB104
  • Section E WB105
  • Section F - SL262
  • Section G - SL278
  • Section H SL294
  • Section I SL298
  • Section J - WB126
  • Section LL.M. - WB128

3-4:30 p.m., Spies Garden

Sweet Treats Social (Optional)

  • Faculty, staff, students

3:15-4 p.m., Caplin Auditorium

Getting Ready for Class

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

Monday, August 19 

8:30-9:30 a.m., Caplin Auditorium Lobby

Continental Breakfast (Optional) and Check-in

9:30-10:15 a.m., Caplin Auditorium

Preparing for Class: Reading and Briefing 

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

10:15-11 a.m., Caplin Auditorium

Mock Contracts Class (and Why Cold Calls are Important)

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

11-11:15 a.m.


11:15 a.m.-12 p.m., Caplin Auditorium

Habits for Success

  • Justin Earley, Esq.

12-12:30 p.m., Caplin Auditorium

Setting Goals

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

12:30-2 p.m., Various Classrooms

Welcome Lunch with Peer Advisors by Section

(Optional for J.A.G.s)

  • Section A - WB101
  • Section B WB102
  • Section C WB103
  • Section D - WB104
  • Section E WB105
  • Section F - SL262
  • Section G - SL278
  • Section H SL294
  • Section I SL298
  • Section J - WB126
  • Section LL.M. - WB128

2-2:30 p.m., WB128

Meet Your LRW Professor - ONLY for L.L.Ms taking GLRW1

2:30-2:45 p.m.


2:45-4:45 p.m., Various Classrooms

Meet your Doctrinal Professors 

(LL.M.s who are registered for 1L courses will meet with instructors. Students not registered for 1L courses can skip)

Torts, 2:45-3:05 p.m.

Contracts - 3:15-3:35 p.m.

Civil Procedure - 3:45-4:05 p.m.

Criminal Law - 4:15-4:35 p.m.

5-7 p.m., Caplin Pavilion

Law School Kick-off BBQ

Families and children welcome

University ID Cards

Each student must secure a photo ID card from the University. Students may submit a passport-style photo online by July 21, 2024.

ID cards will be distributed during orientation check in on August 12. Students must present an original valid, government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport). University ID photos will be used in the Law School’s photo directory and seating charts.

University IDs are required to enter the Law School building when it is locked (card swipe at the door), use university Transit (buses are free for students to ride with a valid University ID card), and check out exams (you will learn more about these types of exams during orientation).