Academic Journals

Journal of Law & Politics

The Journal of Law & Politics is the first and only nonpartisan publication devoted exclusively to examining the interaction between law and politics. Founded in 1983 under the guidance of then-Circuit Judge Antonin Scalia, this interdisciplinary publication consists of articles, essays, and commentaries by scholars, practitioners and national political leaders. SL 269.

Editor-in-Chief: Madeline Hall, @email 

Virginia Environmental Law Journal (VELJ)

VELJ is dedicated to providing a national forum for research and discussion in the areas of environmental and natural resource law. Published quarterly by Law School students, the journal includes articles by scholars, practitioners and environmental professionals, as well as student notes, on a broad array of topics from environmental justice to corporate liability. Room SL275. 

Editor-in-Chief: Aamina Mariam, @email 

Virginia Journal of Criminal Law

The Virginia Journal of Criminal Law, created in 2010, publishes scholarly articles on criminal law and procedure. The journal also sponsors legal symposia and conferences. Room SL161.

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Zac Hayburn, Daniel Dunn

Virginia Journal of International Law (VJIL)

As the oldest continuously published, student-edited law review in the United States devoted exclusively to the fields of public and private international law, the Virginia Journal of International Law is considered by many to be the finest and most authoritative journal of its kind. Positions on the journal's editorial board are open to all students in the Law School and in other schools of the University who successfully complete a written tryout that is conducted every spring and fall. Room SL166.

Editor-in-Chief: Kristina Lorch, @email 

Virginia Journal of Law & Technology (VJoLT)

UVA Law's only e-journal, VJoLT, provides a forum for students, professors and practitioners to discuss emerging issues at the intersection of law and technology. Recent issues of the journal have included articles on biotechnology, telecommunications, e-commerce, Internet privacy and encryption. Because VJoLT publishes full text articles directly to the Web, its audience is not limited by a fixed number of subscriptions; anyone with Internet access can read an article that the journal has ever published free of charge on Room SL147.

Editor-in-Chief: Brad Subramaniam 

Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law

This journal is a student-edited law journal which publishes articles exploring the intersection of law and social policy issues. Recognizing the significance of the law and legal institutions on social conditions, the journal provides a forum in which to examine contending legal, judicial and political perspectives. Among the issues the journal addresses are: health care policy, welfare reform, criminal justice, voting rights, civil rights, family law, employment law, gender issues, education and critical race theory. Room SL159.

Editor-in-Chief: Marie Ceske, @email 

Virginia Law & Business Review

The Virginia Law & Business Review is a premier journal of business law scholarship. It is published three times a year by law students of the University of Virginia. The student-editors are members of the Virginia Law & Business Review Association, a not-for-profit corporation chartered in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The journal addresses accounting, antitrust law, bankruptcy law, commercial law, corporations law, corporate finance, corporate governance, employment law, mergers and acquisitions, real estate law, securities regulation, secured transactions, takeover litigation, venture capital financing and other corporate law subjects. Room SL156E.

Editor-in-Chief: MK O'Boyle, @email 

Virginia Law Review

The Virginia Law Review is a journal of general legal scholarship that is published eight times a year. VLR articles since March 2004 are now available online as well. (434) 924-3079 (You must dial the area code.), Room SL184.

Editor-in-Chief: Courtney Douglas, @email 

Virginia Sports & Entertainment Law Journal (VaSE)

VaSE focuses on all aspects of both sports and entertainment law. Published biannually by the students and the Law School, the journal features articles written by sports and entertainment law professors, as well as those written by experienced practitioners in the sports and entertainment law fields. In addition, law students interested in sports or entertainment law are invited to join through a written tryout process held each semester. Room SL267.

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Jake Laubach, Rachel Miller

Virginia Tax Review (VTR)

VTR is published three times each year and focuses primarily on federal and international taxation, as well as pure business legal issues. Founded in 1980, it is one of the oldest student-run law journals at the University of Virginia School of Law and is regarded as a top tax specialty journal. The journal encourages participation by students of all interests but especially welcomes those looking to practice tax or general corporate law. Room SL151.

Editor-in-Chief: Ann Kreuscher, @email