
Helen Min

Research Assistant Professor of Law
Education Rights Institute Fellow
(434) 243-3782

Helen Min is an inaugural Education Rights Institute Fellow and research assistant professor of law at the University of Virginia School of Law. As an education researcher, she has broad expertise in mixed-methods research, education psychology, curriculum and instruction. Her research has focused on evaluating trauma-sensitive pedagogy, assessing the influence of stress on teacher well-being, and developing professional development trainings that holistically support teachers with the overarching goal of leveraging findings to support practitioners and policy makers.  

Min’s scholarship has been published in academic journals and book chapters, and presented at the American Educational Research Association, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness and the International Society for Contemplative Research.  

Before coming to ERI, Min taught undergraduate and master's students at the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development and high school students in Baltimore City Public Schools. She also taught young adults in Osaka, Japan, and middle school students in Cairo, Egypt.  

Min graduated with a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development, where she was a Dean’s Fellow and served within Student Affairs in the Office of Hoos First, as well as on the President’s Council on UVA-Community Partnerships. She completed the Lazord Civic Leadership Academy at the American University in Cairo and the King Hall Outreach Program at the University of California School of Law. She received her M.S. in education from the Johns Hopkins University School of Education and B.A. in history and Middle East South Asia studies from the University of California, Davis.  

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