Computing Help Desk

If you are seeking computing or technology assistance, please look below for the listed resources. Topics are listed by resources and services offered through the Law School Law IT department and resources and services supported by UVA ITS.

For emergency computer or classroom needs, faculty and staff may call 924-7808 during 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.  If the phone is not immediately answered, please leave a message and a method of contact.

Law IT Services - Submit a ticket or email [email protected]

Canvas Online Course System
Data Storage
Classroom Recording
Classroom Technology
Computer Recommendations
Law School Faculty and Staff Email
Departmental E-mail lists 
Office Phone
LawWeb Account
Printing in the Law School
Microsoft Office (Faculty and Staff)


UVA ITS Services - Submit a help request or email [email protected]

Netbadge or UVA Account
Data Storage
Student Email Account
Sympa Student Organizational E-mail lists
Download Software (ie Microsoft Office)
Wireless Access
Microsoft Office (Students)