Building and Grounds Usage

For questions or concerns, contact Student Affairs if you are a student, and contact the Dean’s Office if you are not a student.


Animals are not permitted in the Law School building (including courtyards such as Spies Garden and Purcell Garden), except for service animals. 

Building Access

The Law School building’s exterior doors are unlocked Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. When the exterior doors are locked, Law School students and employees may access the building via card readers using a University ID card. There are six entrances with card readers:

  • Brown Hall: The southeastern entrance near Caplin Auditorium
  • Brown Hall: The southern entrance closest to Arlington Boulevard
  • Clay Hall: The southwestern entrance closest to Slaughter Hall and the visitor’s parking lot
  • Slaughter Hall: The main western entrance
  • Student-Faculty Center: The main northern entrance
  • Brown Hall: The northern entrance at the corner of Hunton Andrews Kurth Hall

You may exit the building at any time. Some doors are marked “Emergency Exit Only — Alarm Will Sound.” Exiting these doors will trigger an audible alarm.

If you have lost your University ID card, please contact the University Academic ID Card Office for a replacement.

The Law School employs a security guard from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. every day.  Note that the security guard or the police might ask you for identification as they conduct their patrols, so please keep your University ID card on hand. If you need to contact the security guard, call the UVA Police Department main line at 434-924-7166, and the dispatcher will assist you. In case of an emergency, call 911 directly.

In keeping with University policy SEC-034, the Law School uses security cameras, both indoors and outdoors. Your image may be recorded.

Building Accommodations

The Law School has wheelchair-accessible entrances at the front, side and back entrances (map). Elevators offer access to the first floor (from the basement), and second and third floors of Slaughter and Walter Brown Halls. To access the third floor of the library, seek assistance from the first floor Circulation Desk or the second-floor Reference Desk. For general help navigating the building, check in with the reception desk of the Admissions Office, where visitor parking passes are distributed.

Chalkboards and Whiteboards

Writing on chalkboards and whiteboards is reserved for faculty during class sessions and for event sponsors during events for which they have a valid space reservation.

Common Areas

The Law School provides a variety of common areas open to students, employees, and authorized visitors. All furniture and resources in common areas are shared resources. Unless a common area has been reserved through the Law School’s space reservation system, use of these areas is on a first-come, first-served basis each day. Common areas, including furniture and resources therein, cannot be held with personal items. Items taking up otherwise available space or excluding use by other people may be removed by Law School staff. The Law School is not responsible for personal items.  

Events and Activities

Students and employees may use the Law School building and grounds for Law School-related activities (e.g., classes, student organization meetings and events, work meetings, and academic center and program events). Such uses must conform with Law School and University policies (see, e.g., The Free Exchange of Ideas at UVA Law) and Space Reservation Terms and Conditions.

Absent express authorization from the Dean’s Office, the Law School building and grounds may not be used for activities unrelated to the Law School. Such activities include, but are not limited to, weddings, memorial services, and meetings of non-Law-School groups, regardless of whether the meeting or group happens to include students, employees, or alumni. 


Overnight sleeping at the Law School, whether indoors or outdoors, is prohibited. 

Smoking and Vaping

Per University policy SEC-028, smoking and vaping are prohibited inside the Law School building, within 25 feet of any entrance to the building, and in Spies and Purcell Gardens.


Law School and University policies (e.g., University policy PRM-017) prohibit direct advertising, sales, and commercial solicitation in the Law School building and grounds in order to preserve the educational mission and focus, provide a secure environment, protect students and employees from exploitation, respect the aesthetic qualities of Grounds, and promote fair business practices.

Limited exceptions include (1) student organizations engaged in fundraising activities that comply with relevant policies, (2) vendors engaged in activity permitted by their contractual relationship with the Law School or University, and (3) bar exam prep companies engaged in activity permitted by the Law School’s Bar Exam Prep Company Solicitation Policy.

Speech and Posting Policies

Expressive activity at the Law School is governed by a variety of Law School and University policies. For details, see The Free Exchange of Ideas at UVA Law.

Structures and Displays

In accordance with Law School and University policies, the Law School may utilize structures and displays for Law School activities, including outdoor events. Other structures and displays at the Law School, whether indoors or outdoors, are prohibited unless permitted by the Posting Policy. Structures and displays include, but are not limited to, tents, forts, or buildings; chairs, hammocks, or other furniture; and signage, posters, images, art, or banners planted in the ground or affixed to the building, hardscapes, or flagpoles. 


Use of the building is reserved for students, employees and authorized visitors. No trespassing is allowed. Visitors must check in at the Admissions Office and indicate their purpose for being at the Law School.