Katherine and David deWilde ’67 Public Interest Summer Fellowships

About the Fellowships

Class of 1967 alumnus David deWilde and his wife, Katherine August-deWilde, have created the Katherine and David deWilde ’67 Public Interest Summer Fellowships in order to promote the protection of civil liberties, human rights, and the rule of law. Public interest internships that will allow students to contribute to the advancement of civil rights, human rights, or the rule of law through impact litigation and/or legislative reform are eligible. Sample practice areas include: immigration advocacy, human trafficking, LGBTQ rights, criminal justice reform, voting rights, and governmental ethics. Generally, two to three J.D. students will be selected each year for fellowships.


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Jess Feinberg, Katharine Janes and Jen Kelso

Students Named 2020 deWilde Fellows

Second-year students Jess Feinberg, Katharine Janes and Jen Kelso of the University of Virginia School of Law will promote legal rights this summer as Katherine and David deWilde ’67 Public Interest Summer Fellows.
