This casebook captures the rapid evolution of doctrine, introduces students to emerging policy debates, and explores issues that arise in family law practice including the importance of collaborating with professionals from other disciplines. The book emphasizes that families take a variety of forms, including marital and nonmarital relationships, and that constitutional considerations play an increasingly important role in family law. Contemporary Family Law includes several chapters that do not appear in most other family law casebooks. For example, it devotes separate chapters to lawyering, private ordering, and alternative dispute resolution. And, in contrast to the usual approach, the book treats property distribution and alimony in separate chapters to emphasize each topic's distinctive theoretical and practical aspects. Moreover, because child custody arrangements lead to some of the most acrimonious legal disputes, this casebook devotes two separate chapters to custody: the first treats the initial custody decision, and the second explores disputes that arise over visitation, custody, and key childrearing decisions after the initial disposition. In addition, the book emphasizes the importance of legal practice issues by placing the lawyering chapter at the beginning of the book, and by using problems that enable students to apply doctrine.
When Michael Jackson died in 2009, he left a complicated legacy. But one thing remains true: The King of Pop’s music still generates millions of...
Reviewing, (For the Balkinization Symposium on) Solangel Maldonado, The Architecture of Desire: How the Law Shapes Interracial Intimacy and...
Professor Elizabeth Scott, the chief reporter of the American Law Institute’s (ALI) Restatement of Children and the Law, has often observed that the...
This Article considers the interaction between marriage, households, and public welfare-type benefits. In light of constant cultural and media...
Singlehood is becoming an increasingly important social identity category. Thousands of people are members of Facebook groups such as I am my Own...
Scores of lawsuits have pushed retirement plan sponsors to shorter, easier-to-navigate menus, but – as Ian Ayres and Quinn Curtis argue in this work –...
Family law is for young people. To facilitate child rearing and help spouses pool resources over a lifetime, the law obligates parents to minor...
The recently enacted Respect for Marriage Act is important bipartisan legislation that will protect same-sex marriage should the Supreme Court...
The price of exit influences the terms of intimate relationships—and constitutes an important factor in distinguishing committed from contingent...
In the introduction to her book, Kristin Henning writes: “We live in a society that is uniquely afraid of Black children.” (P. xv.)
The Rage of...
Parentage agreements are proliferating. In a fertility clinic, an egg donor, sperm donor, and gestational surrogate may agree to waive their parental...