Corporate Transactions - Start-Up to Exit (SC)

Information Introduction

Schedule Information

Enrollment: 9/24
Credits: 1
Days Date Time Room


01/26/2024 1540-1740 WB104


01/27/2024 0900-1100 WB104


02/02/2024 1540-1740 WB104


02/03/2024 0900-1100 WB104


02/09/2024 1540-1740 WB104


02/10/2024 0900-1100 WB104

Course Description

This course will concentrate on the business lawyer’s role in three significant stages of a company’s development with an emphasis on the practical elements that enable lawyers to contribute to successful client outcomes. We will first examine some of the issues relating to organizing and financing a start-up company. As part of our start-up stage segment, we will conduct a simulated negotiation a venture capital term sheet with students divided into teams representing the company and the prospective investor. We will then turn to the choices companies face as they consider whether to become a listed company with public stakeholders, and focus on the advice and guidance provided by corporate counsel in balancing the benefits of access to additional capital and the added responsibilities of governance and disclosure in the public capital markets. We will conclude by discussing alternatives and structures available to established companies through non-organic growth, with a particular concentration on the benefits and challenges of executing M&A transactions, joint ventures and strategic investments. In this third stage, we will again conduct a simulated negotiation of an M&A transaction with students divided into teams representing the company and two bidders, one financial and one strategic. This course will present a blend of the substantive law issues that arise at these three stages in the company's growth cycle and the practical types of advice that a business lawyer and his or her team provide to clients as they navigate each stage.

Course Requirements

Exam Information

Final Type (if any): Flex

Description: A Flex exam will be required. The exam (approx. 3 hours in duration) will be available for checkout from SRO and must be completed at the Law School during business hours during an announced window of time after the conclusion of the course.

Other Course Details

Prerequisites: (Corporations (6103) OR Corporations (Law & Business) (6109)) Because the credits in this course count toward the JD Program Professional Skills requirement, JD candidates will be given enrollment priority for this class. If seats become available after the JD priority, LLM students with at least 3 years of full-time corporate legal practice experience may seek a waiver of the prerequisite from one of the instructors. Concurrencies: None

Exclusive With: None

Laptops Allowed: Yes

First Day Attendance Required: Yes

Course Resources: To be announced.

Course Notes: The instructors will hold this class in three Friday-Saturday sessions (6 sessions in total) with these instructor pairings: (1) Jan. 26-27: Professors Clayton and Williams; (2) Feb. 2-3: Professors Harraf and O'Fahey, and (3) Feb. 9-10: Professors Curtin and Keeley.

Graduation Requirements

Satisfies Understanding Bias/Racism/Cross-Cultural Competency requirement: No

Satisfies Writing Requirement: No

Credits For Prof. Skills Requirement: Yes

Satisfies Professional Ethics: No

Additional Course Information

Schedule No.: 124217894

Modified Type: Simulation

Cross Listed: No

Waitlist Count: 0

Concentrations: Business Organization and Finance

Information reflected on this page was last refreshed at: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 9:26 AM *

*During open enrollment periods, live enrollment data may be found in SIS.