Scholars regard the 1923 League of Nations experts’ report as the origin of the international tax system as we know it. The experts’ report noted the...
This Chapter discusses citizenship taxation as a potential solution to the challenges posed by increasing global mobility and the digitalization of...
Supreme Court opinions involving race and the jury invariably open with the Fourteenth Amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, or landmark cases like...
These are momentous times for the comparative analysis of judicial behaviour. Once the sole province of US political scientists, a new generation of...
Constitutional review is the power of a body, usually a court, to assess whether law or government action complies with the constitution. Originating...
This article takes an in-depth look at the deeply flawed EU Court of Justice decision in the Apple state aid case. We discuss whether any legitimate...
Last month the European Court of Justice ended an eight-year tax battle involving Apple and Ireland. In a dramatic upset, the court handed the EU...
Donald J. Trump appointed 234 federal judges in his first term. Trump, as is his wont, claims, with an inflated number, that he appointed a record...
On January 1, 2022, the most radical change to the American jury in at least thirty-five years occurred in Arizona: peremptory strikes, long a feature...
Liberalism is back on its heels, pushed there by political movements in the United States and Europe and by the critiques of legal scholars and...
Legal ethicists, advocacy groups, and politicians have called for greater restrictions on the use of nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) when parties...
In recent years, the federal courts have seen a plethora of lawsuits originated by states challenging federal government actions. As a result, there...
Income inequality is a national preoccupation, and the public’s imagination is captured by the astronomical incomes of Valley tech billionaires and...
This casebook aspires to help students understand and think systematically about the techniques of statutory interpretation. It blends exposition with...
This Essay reports data on the impact of Bruen and its predecessor, Heller, on gun rights cases. Put mildly, the impact was substantial, not only in...
In this paper we investigate whether gender is associated with the content of judicial opinions in the U.S. courts of appeals. Using a topic model...
Donald J. Trump's presidency broke the mold in many ways, including how to think about judicial appointments. Unlike other recent presidents, Trump...
How should judges decide hard cases involving rights conflicts? Standard debates about this question are usually framed in jurisprudential terms...