Why Extern?
Externships combine substantial, practical legal work for a government or nonprofit organization with academic inquiry through readings, papers and guided reflection papers and, in the case of UVA Law in DC, a weekly seminar. Externs learn to work under close supervision, receive feedback and engage in self-assessment. The externship program assists students in adjusting to their roles as professionals, becoming better problem-solvers and developing interpersonal and professional skills from direct observation of and experience in the practice of law.
Types of Externships
Part-time externships are primarily local and require students to work an average of 10 hours per week in person for the host organization, as well as complete reading and writing assignments. (4 credits, 1 graded)
UVA Law in DC requires an average of 35 hours of work per week for a government or nonprofit organization in the Washington, D.C. area. Students participate in a weekly seminar in D.C. and complete reading and writing assignments, including a research paper, which may fulfill the upper-level writing requirement. (13 credits, 3 graded)
Full-time externships may be local, national or international, and require 35 hours of work per week at the host organization. Students must obtain a faculty advisor and complete a substantial research paper (which may fulfill the upper-level writing requirement) under the professor’s supervision. (13 credits, 3 graded)
J-Term externships take place in the three weeks before the spring semester starts and require approximately 35 hours of work per week for a government or nonprofit organization. (2 credits, 1 graded)
For further information see the Externship Manual.
Faculty Director(s)
A. Sprightley Ryan
Professor of Law, General Faculty
Director of Externships