The Conceptual Challenge to Measuring Ideology
These are momentous times for the comparative analysis of judicial behaviour. Once the sole province of US political scientists, a new generation of scholars has increasingly been drawing on history, economics, law, and psychology, illuminating how and why judges make their choices and the effect of those choices on society. As a first mover, the Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behaviour seeks to set the agenda for research and teaching about comparative judicial behaviour in the years to come. To that end, the Handbook brings together leading scholars in the field, who engage with its critical aspects in ten sections: the fundamentals, which identifies common themes and trends in the field; approaches to judging; data, methods, and technologies; staffing the courts; advocacy, litigation, and appellate review; opinions; relations within, between, and among courts; judicial independence; courts and society; and the frontiers of comparative judicial behaviour. The organization of the chapters is topical. Each chapter explores a salient topic, critically evaluates the state of research, and identifies opportunities for future work. Although the forty-two chapters share a common interest in explaining the causes and effects of judicial choices, their approaches to comparative research are wide, inclusive, and manifestly interdisciplinary, reflecting the diversity in scholarship on judicial behaviour worldwide.